| Language, gender and
sustainability: a pluridisciplinary and comparative study of
development communication in traditional societies
field of development communication has become an important branch of
development research in recent years. Its primary focus has been on
social and technological aspects of c ommunication
(Melkote/Steeves et al. 2001), to the almost total neglect of
linguistic aspects. The relative emptyness of the vast field of
potential common interest shared by linguists and development
researchers is evidence of a strategic gap in interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation. Calls for taking local language seriously as a key for development have
mainly emanated from African development research (Koné & Sy 1995).
Recent pioneering research (Robinson 1996) focuses on the interface
between development source and development target languages in the
initial stage of development. Yet there are good reasons for the
assumption that the "parallel discourses" (Bearth 2000b) accompanying
development projects in all stages of their implementation may well be,
at the level of the local community, the key to the ultimate success or
failure of a development project.
The present project proposes therefore three parallel longitudinal studies to be carried out in different regions of the world (West Africa, Southwest Africa and Indonesia) in generally comparable settings (traditional societies) and based on a
set of common theoretical assumptions and methodological premises,
allowing for comparative evaluation of the results. Its main objectives
are (i) to derive, from solidly documented case studies, a general
paradigm of the relevance of language to development; (ii) to
investigate the conceptual, discursive and linguistic processes
associated with the operational phases of development processes; (iii)
to integrate from this perspective linguistic and communicative aspects
of changing gender roles triggered by socio-economic pressures at the
macro-societal level; (iv) to document the generally underestimated
role of lexical and argumentative resources available through the
communicative expertise of local communities in support of desirable
preservation, change and innovation.
In terms of its methodological presuppositions, the present proposal is
complementary to the general orientation of previous work in the field
of development communication research and of sociological and
sociolinguistic approaches to development. It starts from the premise
that the most primary and most consequential objective of development
communication research is not the conceptual understanding of an
exogenous message of innovation by a target community, and not even its
immediate collective response to it, but the conditions under which an
innovative message becomes endogenous and endogenously reproducible
through a process of argumentation and negotiation. Its most basic
assumption is the principle of communicative sustainability as a
prerequisite to sustainability in development.
It proposes to transcend the global/local dichotomy by claiming that
local knowledge systems encoded in a community's first language (L1)
and accessible to inspection through analysis of L1 discourse, far from
being limited to merely serve purposes of community survival in the
narrow sense, contain in themselves essential presuppositions for the
perception of global concerns and adjustment to requirements of
ecolo-econo-social sustainability (Diawara 2000).
The project is conceived as a joint venture initiated by language-oriented
and development-oriented researchers at the universities of Frankfurt
a/M, Kassel and Zurich, in close cooperation with their counterparts in
the countries in which the research is to be carried out (Ivoy Coast,
Namibia, Indonesia) and with actors engaged in various roles in ongoing
development projects. It is anticipated that the projected results of
the inquiry will draw the attention of the scientific community to the richness of the
interdisciplinary potential contained in the study of language towards
the understanding of social and environmental problems from a
perspective of the local actors and towards their solution in a
socially and culturally compatible way. By proposing a linguistic approach to the subject of development communication,
it will provide practitioners with helps in order to identify
communication gaps interfering with the process of development and to
work out appropriate strategies of compensation. It will direct
attention to neglected areas of communication research in the context
of development, in particular to mostly unnoticed clashes between
argumentative strategies and the area of inferential reasoning. It will
provide new insights into communicative roles and their significance
for transfer of innovative concepts and activation of local knowledge
through local language resources.
From the viewpoint of development sociology, the project promises to fill an
important gap existing between the well-researched domains of
development communication on the one hand and sustainable development
on the other hand. While research on the impact of externally induced
communication to development has been vigorously promoted in the past
few years, the language component has been almost entirely neglected. A
focus on socio-economic change mediated through language as proposed in
this project could bring essential new insights which could prove to be
highly significant, not least for practical purposes of counselling and
supervision in the domain of agricultural extension.