Scientific reports
LAGSUS Final report 2003-2007 Summary.pdf
LAGSUS Final report 2003-2007.pdf
LAGSUS Report 2006 Summary.pdf
Scientific report 2003-2004.pdf
Scientific report 2005.pdf
Scientific report 2006.pdf
Annual conferences
1st annual conf Windhoek 2004 Program.pdf
1st annual conf Windhoek 2004 Summary report.pdf
2nd annual Conf A common field of inquiry.pdf
2nd annual Conference Oct 2005 program.pdf
3rd Annual conf Palu Field Visit & overall evaluation.pdf
3rd Annual Conference Palu Indonesia Sept 2006.pdf
3rd Annual Conference Palu List of participants.pdf
R. Döbel Abstracts.pdf
R.M. Beck Abstracts.pdf
T. Bearth Comm. sustainability icrd Berne July 2008.pdf
T. Bearth ed. Dynamiques du genre English summary.pdf
T. Bearth Gender & Crisis VAD conf Basel May 2008.pdf
Concepts & Strategic issues
People in the drivers seat - VAD 2006 (R. Döbel).pdf
LAGSUS view of urban minority - Duala.pdf
Communicative sustainability in a nutshell (T. Bearth).pdf
Communicative sustainability, ICT & Ntikuma syndrom.pdf
Evaluating communicative and environmental sustainability (R. Döbel).pdf
Reflexivity_and_Action (R. Döbel, 2005).pdf
Local Analysis & Ethnicity (T. Bearth).pdf