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LaGSus / Sub-projects / Herero / LGS research project / Project team
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Project team

The project team consists of two researchers:

Dr. Rose Marie Beck
Institut für Afrikanische Sprachwissenschaften, University of Frankfurt, Germany. She is specialized, among others, in conversation and communication analysis. Her main interest is to understand how discursive practices among the Ovaherero of Omutiuanduko, and the TKFA are constitutive for the meaning of development in a local context.

Tjeripo Musutua
Bachelor of Public Administration (BPAN), TUCSIN and University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. His main interests are in the field of power relations and local networks. One of his main tasks is to provide rough transcripts of the meetings and to collect data on the above mentioned issues. Apart from that he derives on his mother’s side from Otuitapi (Omihana region in the Omatjete area) himself.

Associated researchers
Vehaka M. Tjimune, NNFU, Windhoek, Namibia Bernadette Böcker, M.A., University of Frankfurt, Germany

A Project of 
Volkswagen Foundation